Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's what you do NEXT that counts!

Have you ever done something you regretted? Maybe you said or did the wrong thing? More than likely it was unintentional. Growing up, of course we make mistakes. One time when I was quite a bit younger, I had exercised rather poor judgment. When I talked to my mom about it, she said something that has stuck with me until this day. She said, “Tara, you made a mistake. But it’s what you do next that counts.” I live by those words. In fact it is my all time favorite quote.

There was such wisdom in my mother’s words because she knew me better than I knew myself at the time. She knew that I would withdraw. She also knew that I was a perfectionist and that in my eyes what I had done amounted to failure. She helped me see beyond what I had done. Those words helped me to look forward instead of back.

Sometimes we do something minor and sometimes it huge. Regardless, people handle things differently. At times we can become paralyzed by our actions. We may feel overwhelmed and instead of taking those “Baby Steps” we don’t do anything and that can make it even larger than it needs to be. Remember that any movement is progress.

Is there something that is paralyzing you right now? Do you feel hindered by something? Remember, it’s what you do next that counts. Break it down into steps. For those that know me, know that I am partial to making lists. If I can see my task broken down and itemized and then placed in order, I am able to think clearer and can see one thing at a time to make the progress needed. I even add things on to the list that I may have forgotten. As I cross things off, I am able to celebrate my successes. That celebration moves me to the next item on my list. It gives me energy to see the steps crossed off and instead of being paralyzed I am fueled to move forward.

As a once timid networker, becoming paralyzed used to be a regular thing, but now I know when I hit a bump that threatens to slow my progress, I make a list. And every time I cross something off I say, “It’s what you do next that counts”!


  1. your Mom is a wise woman, Tara. I think of what a difference that statement made in your life (rather than a shaming message). Thanks for sharing.

  2. Good article Tara...remembering to get out of our heads and act in a way that is responsible allows us to move forward. It is the next action that really counts.

  3. Such a good saying! I've had that repeat in my head a bunch of times. Thanks Mom and Grammy for teaching it to me.

  4. valbelieves@yahoo.comApril 14, 2010 at 8:11 PM

    Wise woman, your mother. Okay, so she's my sister, but full of wisdom nonetheless. Beautiful post, the way you put it all together, makes me believe that you had an outline (your beloved list) and word by word, you knew exactly what you would pen next. Nice job girl, you make me so proud! I truly look forward to what you do next. Love you.

  5. First, thank you all for reading it! Second, I couldn't have asked for a better teacher than my Mom. What a difference a positive experiance can bring to a persons life! Love you Mom!!!
