Thursday, July 29, 2010

Go With Your Gut

Have you ever had that feeling in your gut that tells you that you NEED to do something? I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. It’s that unrelenting, urging in your soul to move you forward to do something. It may be something you feel very good about but it could also be something that you may be feeling a little trepidation. Regardless, you are moved to act.

Last January, I had a gut feeling that I needed to go to Miami Beach for Get Connected 2010. Financially, it was not a super time for me to leave. But I had made a promise to the organizers Beth and LuAnn that I would come to help out and I really wanted to keep my word. I wanted to hold true to myself and the promise I had made. I was in fact excited to hear and learn from the speaker lineup and knew I would walk away with some fantastic ideas that would improve the success of my business. So, I went.

The benefits I received from attending this event were beyond my wildest dreams and to this day the transformation that I experienced is indescribable. Yes, it was fun but more importantly, it changed my life.

One of the people I was able to get to know better was Frank De Raffele. He was kind and interested in my business but also me as a person and as a peer.

Fast forward to few months later… Frank announced the launch of an Entrepreneurial Excellence Business Forum in Florida. I read about it and thought to myself, wouldn’t it be great to have the kinds of conversations I had with Frank in Miami on a monthly basis! His ideas were out of the box and in my opinion brilliant! So, I asked him, what it would take to get one of those here in Minnesota?

I’m proud to say, last night was the launch of the Entrepreneurial Excellence Business Forum here in Minneapolis.

As a Once Timid Networker, this is something that I would never have dreamed possible. If I wouldn’t have gone with my gut 6 months ago, I wouldn’t be standing here today beaming from the success of last night. I wouldn’t have the opportunity I had last night, to help the 28 people that were in the room to strive for new goals that could change their life. And I certainly wouldn’t have the feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment that I feel today for reaching beyond what was comfortable for me.

Is your gut telling you something? Is your soul pushing you towards something that’s out of your comfort zone? Are you feeling like there is something more for you, a larger picture? Or, have you made a promise to yourself that you feel the desire to stay true to?

Why not take steps today. Move forward and be true to yourself. Yes, some things may seem a bit like a gamble. Some things you may not know the outcome until you do it. But the thing is, you won’t know until you try. Go with your gut!

Tara Schmakel
The Workroom at Tara's
Entrepreneurial Excellence


  1. Yes! First in a what I am sure will be a long list of comments for you.

    As someone that was in attendance last night I have to say that the event eclipsed by far the expectations I had going in to it, and they were very high since I knew the two people that were holding the event.

    As someone that knows you beyond the framework of BNI MN, I have to also say that I am very excited and proud (and a bit jealous to be totally honest) for what you have already accomplished and for what you will accomplish in the future. If this is Tara 2.0, I can't wait to see what Tara 3.0 is!

  2. Oh Kevin, thank you for so many things. First for being my friend, second for coming last night! I really hoped everyone that came would see the value and I think that hope has been realized. Thank you for your continued support, encouragement and friendship.

    And no matter what version of me I am, be it 1.0 or otherwise... I'm still just me. :)

  3. Tara I love this blog - I too have had quite a journey since I started networking, not quite to this extent - but hey everyone at their own pace! I have been taken out of my comfort zone many times, so I really love your story and I will repost - well done, I look forward to reading more - and who knows one day meeting up
    Kindest regards

  4. Michelle- thank you so much for your very kind words. I know my story is not unique and my hope is to help others to overcome being timid or at least be able to be more comfortable!

    I hope we meet someday, as well!

  5. Tara,

    The event was incredible! I wasn't sure what to expect, because in attending these types of business workshops, often I'm disappointed. I'm a voracious reader and often the message from the stage is just a regurgitation of those ideas.

    But your event was totally different. The information was thoughtfully broken down into small chucks that could easily be applied and implemented. One idea that I'm implementing will bring in an additional $10,000 over the next quarter. Now THAT'S value!

    Thanks for the inspiration that you are to all of us. Looking forward to August 25!

  6. you should write a book. seriously.

  7. Thank you for your comment Sue. I'm so glad you enjoyed it and found it of value to be there! I'm really excited for you to hear about The Stratigic Revenue Cycle!!

    And Brianne, I have thought about it. We shall see! :)
