Monday, February 7, 2011

Rowing Through Mud

2010 kicked my butt! I had every intention of it being the BEST YEAR EVER and yet the things that I thought were solid were fluid.

I set my goals, I got a fantastic coach, I started a new business and began writing a blog. I also commenced writing a book as well as got asked to be a contributing author to another. My beautiful daughter got married and I now have a wonderful new son added to my family. I was able to travel more than I had in my life and had a wonderful vacation with some very dear “new” friends. I moved into a new home that I embraced with all its imperfections. I reconnected with friends I hadn’t known for years! I made some new friends that will be in my life forever. I had doors and opportunities placed in front of me that were beyond my imagination. And I have a family that is so dear and wonderful, words can’t express the depth of emotion I feel. For all these things, I am truly grateful.

I also had so many bad things happen that it made every day a challenge. I’m not talking, I’ve had a bad day and I’m a little fussy. I’m talking tragic, horrific and ugly. When my Doctor asked me how I had been and what was going on in my life since I had seen her last, I said, “Oh, you know, pretty much everything stayed the same…” And then one by one, I mentioned some of the things that had happened in the last year. When I finished, I was a little emotional. She reached over and squeezed my hand and gently said, “It sounds like you’ve been through hell”. I laughed through the tears that quietly fell and said “But isn’t everyone going through things like this or something like it?”

It’s true, we all have challenges that we could use as an excuse to just lie down. But as my mom always says, the things we experience make us the people we are. I have another friend who says, “rub some dirt on it and get back in there”. Last year, I didn’t want to “get back in there”. I was tired. However, I believe a person is a victim only if they want to be. I refused to be a victim and I fought hard, with every fiber of my being and I got back in there!

Why am I sharing this? If you know me at all or see me on Facebook, you know I am in no way a complainer. In fact… I despise complaining ((big smile)). I do know, however that I’m not the only person who had a “hard year”. I’ve heard it over and over again from people I know and even those I’ve barely met.

The purpose for this post is twofold. One, it’s a growing experience for me. A cleansing exercise, if you will. I don’t share my down days except with those who are VERY close to me. I think I can count them on one hand. As a Once Timid Networker, sharing anything about me would have been a struggle or I would have refrained completely. Thank you for allowing me the venue to grow.

Two, most importantly, I want to share what helped me, in hopes it can help someone else.

So here’s my list of things that will help when your day feels like mud and you’re trying to paddle through it to get to your destination.

1. Count your blessings- Sometimes taking stock of what good things are happening makes the bad things diminish, or at least give you a new perspective. I gave you my partial list at the beginning of this post. I mentioned the big things. However sometimes all you have to count are the small things, like witnessing a sunrise, a pen that WORKS, a smile from a stranger, a hug from a child, or a text from a friend. And one of my favorites, that first sip of coffee.

2. Find delight in small things- see above

3. Notice others- Everyone has problems, be a support for them. This helps us forget about the negative things going on in our own lives, if only for a few moments. Don’t just leave it at that either. Ask how you can help them. Check in on them regularly and give assistance to them. Even if it’s an ear for support.

4. Smile- A true eye squinting smile. A smile can help so much. It makes you feel better, it makes the people around you feel better and it releases endorphins that help your immune system and fight depression. You can be happy and improve your health!

5. Have a confidant that you can vent to- This is not the same as complaining or whining. This is factual release. This is not to imply that you talk to multiple people about all the things that are happening to you and venting to anyone who will listen. Or heaven forbid, post all your garbage on Facebook or Twitter. I’m talking about letting one or two people know what’s really going on so that they can “have your back” (see the book Who’s Got Your Back- Keith Ferazzi). This is so they can check in with you and be your support when it’s too much to take. For those who helped me through last year, you know who you are, I’m eternally grateful. I don’t know where I would be without your love, compassion, hugs and listening ears. Thank you.

6. Move on- Dwelling on the past is unproductive. You can’t turn back time to change it so why bother with the “what if’s” or “if only’s”. By looking backwards you keep bringing that negativity on yourself. If you noticed, I refrained from making a list of all the yucky stuff, and you all know how much I love a good list! But here’s the deal, list’s are made so you can remember something. Keep a list of the successes instead.

These are just a few things that helped me last year. But they have been great habits that I have used to continually keep myself in check. Little by little the mud goes away. Eventually you will find yourself in a lovely place again, whatever that may be for you. As I look around my life now, I see the mud receding and drying up. Is it all gone? By no means. However, I’ve come prepared and this year I intend to outsmart the mud!


  1. I love this Tara! It is extremely well written, and I love the point about listing (to remember) the successes. Not the negative things going on. I think I'll buy a book just for lists. =) Thanks for your insights!

  2. Beautiful post Tara. It brought tears to my eyes. Yo are one of my bright spots everyday. I cherish all of them. <3

  3. Oh Tara, I'm so sorry to hear you had such a tough year.

    By your attitude and heart, you are such an inspiration. I am so proud to be your friend and I KNOW you will rock 2011!

    Love you. --Jen

  4. Rachel, thank you very much. I am a believer in lists and a special book for them is perfect! I've heard of CEO's of large companies keeping "Wins Journals", noting their successes. LOVED that idea!

  5. Turtles, I hope you were able to see yourself in this post. You are a bright spot in my days too! <3

  6. Jen, Thank you. YOU are so dear and I'm so happy you are my friend. You are a gem and I'm very grateful for you! <3

  7. Tara, you have such an awesome way of expressing yourself!! I know what a horrific year it was for you, but look at the wisdom you've acquired from it. It's that wisdom that draws people to you and by which you can truly help, in ways money cannot buy.

    I love you, honey!!

  8. Thank you Mom, I love you too. You are such an anchor for me and I appreciate you so very much. <3

  9. You come through SPARKLING as always! Even though your tiara might have been a little off kilter, your wand throws off those magical words quite nicely. I love your blog, I love you and I'm glad you are off and running, head held high in a brand new year. It's going to be your best year yet -- you'll see!

  10. Val, thank you as always for your lovely words of encouragement. The sparkle got a little yucky and dirty but I've been polishing and it's looking almost as good as new! I love you and I'm so grateful for you and I can't wait to see what this year brings! I think a visit with you for sure!!! <3

  11. Your spirit is one that I've admired since I first saw you. You were introducing my chaper to the BNI MN Mentor Program. That was the first time I met The Timid Networker and you reminded me so much of myself. I watched your confidence grow and believed that I could do some of those things too. You put your authentic self out there with style! Life can only get better for you!

  12. Thank you Karen!! You were someone who I always admired as well. Now look at us? Kindred spirits and Once timid networkers. :)

  13. You rock Tara. Thank you for being there for me, especially over this last couple of months. I would have been even more lost without you there trying to keep me focused and being supportive of me.

  14. Brett, that's what friends are for. :)

  15. Tara, your blog said it all. I only met you in November but straight away warmed to you as a good friend of my mate Iain Whyte. I know what a tough year it was for me personally after my son died and it got even tougher when I got home to find my nephew had been diagnosed with bone cancer.However, part of picking up the pieces (and yes, I did shatter) is to acknowledge that somedays you're going to be feeling really sorry for yourself and wonder why did this happen. And then you find solace in things like a sunny day or a walk through the garden or someone doing something unexpectedly nice for you. Each good day is a step closer to regaining strength to approach the rest of your life. Last year also made me realise how much time is wasted on unimportant things. So I learned to let go. I hope this helps.

  16. Oh Dan, my heart goes out to you. I can't imagine the pain and heartache you have been through. Thank you so much for sharing here and allowing us to have your back. I'm learning more and more how important and helpful that is. I hope your pain has lost the intense edge and that you are getting stronger. YOU are important to so many people and have touched so many lives- unselfishly. You are a good friend and an inspiration and I'm glad I know you.

  17. This is truly a meaningful blog post. As they say on TV sometimes, "Now That's What This Show Is All About!". Very well said, indeed.

  18. Thank you Jon, I appreciate your thoughts and words very much! :)
